Bibblan svarar will discontinue

Bibblan svarar has been developed and coordinated by Malmö city library on behalf of the Swedish National Library. In January of 2024 the Swedish National Library decided to discontinue Bibblan svarar.

– The questionnaire closes on April 15
– The website will close on May 30

Read more about Kungliga biblioteket’s decision to discontinue Bibblan svarar (in Swedish).

Ask questions at your local library

Bibblan svarar has been staffed by librarians from all different parts of Sweden. Going forward, you can instead turn to your local library in Sweden with your questions. Most public libraries also answer questions by email.

Questions regarding the discontinuation

If you have questions about the decision to close the Library, please contact the Swedish National Library

If you have questions about the practical work regarding the closure of the servoce, please contact Malmö city library

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